Scholarship Opportunities for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy

University of Pécs Faculty of Pharmacy is a dynamic young faculty that aims to provide a friendly and safe environment to students, enabling them to gain valuable degrees that offer job and financial security after graduation.

We believe that student excellence and progress should be rewarded. To support hard working tuition fee paying students, faculty of pharmacy will provide up to 60% tuition fee reduction each semester to those ranked in the top quarter of faculty students based on their overall performance and collected points.

Apart from the tuition fee reduction scholarship, eligible applicants who are interested in applying to programmes offered by our faculty can take advantage of Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship, Scholarship for Christian Young People, Visegrad Scholarship Programme and Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship, as well as ERASMUS+ and International Student Exchange Programmes

Tuition Fee Reduction Opportunity for Freshmen Year  

University of Pécs Faculty of Pharmacy is pleased to announce extending the tuition fee reduction scholarship to incoming freshmen and first-time applicants applying before June 1, 2025. We are committed to the academic progress and international student excellence. This program aims to reward high-achieving incoming first-time- foreign freshmen students enrolled in English language programs that are motivated to pursue a career in Pharmacy and Biotechnology and demonstrate outstanding performance in the entrance exam. 

Scholarship Details
The top 25% of tuition fee paying admitted students applying before 1st of June can be awarded a tuition fee reduction following their request divided into four groups, following the same methodology as the existing Dean's Order 6/2022:
a) Top first quarter (Q1) = 60% tuition fee reduction
b) Second quarter (Q2) = 45% tuition fee reduction
c) Third quarter (Q3) = 30% tuition fee reduction
d) Fourth quarter (Q4) = 15% tuition fee reduction

The ranking of applicants is based on the results obtained in the entrance exam 

All first-time fee-paying freshmen students applying for admission to the Faculty of Pharmacy for the 2025/2026 academic year before June 1, 2025 are eligible to apply for this tuition fee reduction. Please see the application form  provided by the Registrar's Office.

For the Application form click here

Basis of Evaluation is the performance in the entrance examination. Applicants must demonstrate outstanding results in the faculty entrance exam, displaying their enthusiasm and potential for success in pharmacy or biotechnology studies.
Current students can apply for the regular Tuition Fee Reduction Scholarship from their 3rd active semester onwards based on the criteria outlined in Dean's Order 6/2022.
We encourage all outstanding prospective students to take advantage of this opportunity and apply to the Faculty of Pharmacy. We look forward to welcoming a new generation of talented students to our community and helping them achieve their academic and professional goals through this initiative.


Inquiries: For more information, please email us at
Make sure to use "Pharmacy Freshmen Tuition Reduction" as the email's subject line.


Tuition Fee Reduction Scholarship

Based on the Dean’s Order no. 6/2022 (May 4) of the Faculty of Pharmacy, students can apply for tuition fee reduction based on progress of studies and student excellence, commonly known as Tuition fee reduction scholarship, which aims to encourage students to improve their academic performance, progress according to the recommended curriculum and improve their exam results actively participate in student council work as well as actively participate in optional activities organised by the faculty (e.g. social and community programmes, support for enrolment/recruitment)

Who can apply?

Fee-paying students starting from their 3rd active semester can submit their request, only if the mathematical average of their corrected credit index of the last two active semesters is at least 2,0.

Therefore, this tuition fee reduction can only be applied to in the active semester following the two active semesters serving as the basis of evaluation.

A maximum of 25% of students are eligible for tuition fee reduction based on progress of studies and student excellence for any given course in any language. The total number of fee-paying students is determined for the given semester based on the statistics generated on March 1 and October 1, therefore the request can only be evaluated after these dates.

The elements of the complex evaluation system are the following:

1. Progress of studies based on the curriculum (max. 40 points)

  • Points are to be filled by the student based on the Studies – Advancement menu in Neptun.
  • After every academic year completed based on the curriculum, 10 points are awarded, which means a maximum of 4x10=40.

2. Average based on Corrected Credit Index, based on the results of the two active semesters preceding the application for the fee reduction.

  • Points are to be filled by the students based on the Studies – Grade average menu in Neptun. Counting points: Simple mathematical average of the CCI results of the previous two active semesters multiplied by four. Points can only be calculated if the mathematical average of the two previous semester’s CCI reaches or exceeds 2,0.

3. Professional or scientific activity (max. 20 points)

  • The suggested point value is certified by the Grants and Scholarship Committee of the Faculty in writing on the request. Co-authorship on English or Hungarian language articles (20 or 10 points); In presentations or posters (7 points) Certified TDK, demonstrator or other educator activity (10-10 points); Other professional-scientific activity (e.g. academic prizes, off-campus professional activities, vocational college activity, student mentoring); 5-5 points per activity, maximum of 10 points.

4. Public/community/matriculation support activities (max. 20 points)

  • The suggested point value is certified in writing by the UPMS Student Service Department, and the leader of the relevant student organisation (HÖK, EGSC). Work for communities, e.g. participation in open days, high school events, promotion of the Faculty, high school mentorship, student mentor (Peer), organisation of Faculty events; 5-5 points per activity, maximum 10 points. Active participation in the work of a student organisation (HÖK/EGSC), maximum 15 points.

Reduction rates:

Progress of studies and student excellence tuition fee reductions are determined based on the following rate groups, by the Finance Office:

Progress of studies and student excellence tuition fee reductions are determined based on the following rate groups, by the Finance Office:


a) The bottom quarter (Q4) = 15% tuition fee reduction

b) The third quarter (Q3) = 30% tuition fee reduction

c) The second quarter (Q2) = 45% tuition fee reduction

d) The top first quarter (Q1) = 60% tuition fee reduction


In case of points being equal, the differentiation of order is based on the higher average CCI. In case that is also the same, the higher cumulative completed credit number is the deciding factor (based on the academic year of the application).

More details about this scholarship and how to apply are in Dean’s Order no. 6/2022 (May 4) of the Faculty of Pharmacy on the order of paying the tuition fee and requests for tuition fee reductions found under Documents menu point of Dean’s Office section of the faculty website:

Dean's Office - Documents

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship

Established by the Hungarian Government to promote internationalisation of Hungarian higher education and to attract top foreign students from all around the world.
Founded by the Hungarian Government in 2013, the programme is supervised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and managed by the Tempus Public Foundation.
It is based on bilateral education agreements between Hungary and the governments of the sending countries and is already available on five continents in almost 80 countries and territories, attracting more than 5000 international students each year.

What does the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship provide?

  • Tuition-free education
  • Monthly stipend
  • Accommodation contribution
  • Medical insurance

For more details visit:

Scholarship for Christian Young People

The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People (SCYP) was founded in 2017 by the Government of Hungary and aims to provide opportunities to pursue higher education studies in Hungarian host institutions for Christian youth living in crisis regions of the world or being threatened in their countries because of their faith.

For more information about this scholarship visit:

Visegrad Scholarship Programme

Visegrad scholarships support Bachelor, Master and post-Master students and researchers in all disciplines and in any language for up to four semesters at more than 190  higher education institutions across Central and Eastern Europe.

For more information visit:

Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship

The Hungarian Diaspora Scholarship was established by the Hungarian Government for Hungarian diaspora living abroad and wish to study at a Hungarian higher education institution to develop their personal, professional, and cultural relations to Hungary.
The programme aims to support the professional advancement of the scholarship holders with high-quality Hungarian higher education while improving their Hungarian language skills and strengthening their Hungarian identity. After graduation, scholarship holders return to their home country with competitive skills and knowledge that enables them to support their community, preserve Hungarian values and reinforce the relations between the diaspora and Hungary.

For more details visit:

International Student Exchange Programmes, ERASMUS+

The University of Pécs offers numerous opportunities for mobility programmes with a broad selection of partners throughout the world. These mobility positions are available for the students, teachers and administrative staff members. Our students typically choose training mobility for professional practices during their education for at least two-month periods, however one or two semester educational mobility opportunities are also great occasions to get international experience.

To learn more, please visit the Office for International Relations and Erasmus Programme.

Office for International Relations and Erasmus Programme

UP Mobility program options