A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Sipos Katalin
associate professor,
Előadás: 14 Óra
Gyakorlat: 28 Óra
Szeminárium: 14 Óra
Összesen: 56 Óra
- 5 Kredit
- Biotechnology BSc
- Specialised Core Module modul
- autumn
Vizsgakurzus:Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 1 fő – max. 24 fő
Students will learn the structure and the functions of the eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. They will study the similarities and differences of them in order to understand how prokaryotes of yeast cells can be used for biotechnological purposes. We will study the basics of plant cells, as they serve as tools in biotechnology. Mammalian cells are studied in many aspects: structural components, protein transport, secretion, endocytosis, apoptosis, tumor generation, and using them as biotechnological tools. Students have to understand how cells are connecting and communication with each other, how cell signaling pathways are operation, as they are targets of many drugs.
- 1. Cells: common features and differences - Sipos Katalin
- 2.
Plant cells
- Sipos Katalin - 3.
Transport processes
- Sipos Katalin - 4. Structure of DNA and RNA - Pandur Edina
- 5. DNA replication - Pap Ramóna
- 6. DNA repair - Pap Ramóna
- 7. Transcription - Sipos Katalin
- 8. Translation - Pandur Edina
- 9. Posttranslational modifications. Protein breakdown. - Jánosa Gergely
- 10. Nucleus: structure and function. Mitochondria, ER, Golgi, peroxisomes. - Pandur Edina
- 11.
Endocytosis, exocytosis, lysosomes.
- Sipos Katalin - 12. Cytoskeleton - Pandur Edina
- 13. Cell signaling - Pandur Edina
- 14. Cell cycle and regulation - Sipos Katalin
- 1.
General instructions, laboratory rules, note books.
- Pap Ramóna - 2.
General instructions, laboratory rules, note books.
- Pap Ramóna - 3. Bacteriology: general characterisation, selection markers, agar plates. - Pandur Edina
- 4. Bacteriology: general characterisation, selection markers, agar plates. - Pandur Edina
- 5. Evaluation of agar plate readings. - Pap Ramóna
- 6. Types of protein concentration determination. - Pap Ramóna
- 7.
- Jánosa Gergely - 8.
- Jánosa Gergely - 9.
Nucleic acid separation on agarose gels.
- Pap Ramóna - 10.
Nucleic acid separation on agarose gels.
- Pap Ramóna - 11. Microscopic differencies of basic cell types - Jánosa Gergely
- 12. Media used in cell culture experiments - Jánosa Gergely
- 13. Counting of cultured cells - Pap Ramóna
- 14. Splitting of cultured cells - Pap Ramóna
- 15. Determination of viability of cultured cells - Pap Ramóna
- 16. Determination of viability of cultured cells - Pap Ramóna
- 17. RNA isolation from cultured cells - Jánosa Gergely
- 18. RNA isolation from cultured cells - Jánosa Gergely
- 19. Real time PCR - Jánosa Gergely
- 20. mRNA expression analysis - Jánosa Gergely
- 21. Electron microscopy - Rimayné Ábrahám Hajnalka Gabriella
- 22. Electron microscopy - Rimayné Ábrahám Hajnalka Gabriella
- 23. DNA in forensic medicine - Poór Viktor Soma
- 24. DNA in forensic medicine - Poór Viktor Soma
- 25. ELISA methods in biology - Pandur Edina
- 26. ELISA methods in biology - Pandur Edina
- 27. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 28. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 1. Chemical bonds, small molecules in the cell - Sipos Katalin
- 2.
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes
- Jánosa Gergely - 3.
Membrane structure
- Jánosa Gergely - 4. Gene expression, levels of regulation - Pap Ramóna
- 5.
Chromosomes, mitosis
- Jánosa Gergely - 6. Viruses. DNA mutations - Pap Ramóna
- 7. Maturation of primary transcripts - Sipos Katalin
- 8. Regulation of translation, antibiotics - Pandur Edina
- 9. Protein interactions - Jánosa Gergely
- 10. Nuclear transport. Transport into mitochondria, ER, peroxisomes - Sipos Katalin
- 11. Vesicular transport - Sipos Katalin
- 12. Extracellular matrix, cell interactions - Jánosa Gergely
- 13. Tumor cells - Pandur Edina
- 14.
Macromolecules of the cells. Structure and functions of proteins
- Jánosa Gergely
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
The materials of the lectures and seminars will appear on Neptune.
Ajánlott irodalom
G. M. Cooper, R. E. Hausman: The Cell: A Molecular Approach, Sinauer Associates, Inc., 7th Edition, 2016. ISBN: 9781605352909
Albert et al: Essential Cell Biology, ISBN-13: 978-0393680362
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
There are no other terms of acceptance.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
There is no written mid-term exam in the semester.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
According to personal agreement
There are no given exam questions. The topics of the exam will be the materials of lectures and seminars.
- Jánosa Gergely
- Pandur Edina
- Pap Ramóna
- Sipos Katalin
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Jánosa Gergely
- Pandur Edina
- Pap Ramóna
- Sipos Katalin