

A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2023-2024



Előadás: 28 Óra

Gyakorlat: 0 Óra

Szeminárium: 0 Óra

Összesen: 28 Óra


  • Kód: OSF-QBI-T
  • 2 Kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Optional modul
  • spring

OSA-MF2-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 3 fő – max. 50 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 2 fő számára.


Course description:
Based on common scientific approach quantum phenomena are not relevant in biological processes. The living cell has relatively large dimensions, is filled with hydrated vibrating macromolecules, and follows the rules thermodynamics rather than quantum mechanics. Yet, besides attractive theories, experimental data also accumulate suggesting that living cells readily exploit quantum phenomena. Several biological processes require quantum biology approach for full understanding. These include photosynthesis, various enzyme activities, DNA mutation accumulation, avian magnetoreception, mammalian olfaction etc. During the course students get familiar with the quantum biology explanation of these biological processes.


  • 1. Quantum phenomena and basics terms I. - Dr. Lukács András Szilárd
  • 2. Quantum phenomena and basics terms II. - Dr. Lukács András Szilárd
  • 3. Thermodynamics vs quantum mechanics I. - Dr. Lukács András Szilárd
  • 4. Thermodynamics vs quantum mechanics II. - Dr. Lukács András Szilárd
  • 5. Structural characteristics of biological macromolecules I. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 6. Structural characteristics of biological macromolecules II. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 7. Quantum biology approach of the living cell I. - Dr. Buzás Péter
  • 8. Quantum biology approach of the living cell II. - Dr. Buzás Péter
  • 9. Quantum biology approach of cell death I. - Dr. Buzás Péter
  • 10. Quantum biology approach of cell death II. - Dr. Buzás Péter
  • 11. Quantum biology approach of molecular energy transport I. - Dr. Pál Szilárd
  • 12. Quantum biology approach of molecular energy transport II. - Dr. Pál Szilárd
  • 13. Quantum biology approach of genetic mutation accumulation I. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 14. Quantum biology approach of genetic mutation accumulation II. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 15. Written exam - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 16. Quantum biology approach of photosynthesis I. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 17. Quantum biology approach of photosynthesis II. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 18. Quantum biology approach of enzyme activity I. - Dr. Pál Szilárd
  • 19. Quantum biology approach of enzyme activity II. - Dr. Pál Szilárd
  • 20. Quantum biology approach of avian magnetoreception I. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 21. Quantum biology approach of avian magnetoreception II. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 22. Quantum biology approach of mammalian olfaction I. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 23. Quantum biology approach of mammalian olfaction II. - Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • 24. Quantum biology approach of the conscious mind I. - Dr. Sik Attila Gábor
  • 25. Quantum biology approach of the conscious mind II. - Dr. Sik Attila Gábor
  • 26. Basic principles of quantum computers and quantum biology analogies I. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 27. Basic principles of quantum computers and quantum biology analogies II. - Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • 28. Written exam - Dr. Kvell Krisztián



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Life on the edge: The coming of age of quantum biology, Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili, Broadway Books (2016) 368 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0307986825

Saját oktatási anyag

- Quantum phenomena and basics terms
- Thermodynamics vs quantum mechanics
- Structural characteristics of biological macromolecules
- Quantum biology approach of the living cell
- Quantum biology approach of cell death
- Quantum biology approach of molecular energy transport
- Quantum biology approach of genetic mutation accumulation
- Quantum biology approach of photosynthesis
- Quantum biology approach of enzyme activity
- Quantum biology approach of avian magnetoreception
- Quantum biology approach of mammalian olfaction
- Quantum biology approach of the conscious mind
- Basic principles of quantum computers and quantum biology analogies
- Written exam


Life on the edge: The coming of age of quantum biology, Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili, Broadway Books (2016) 368 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0307986825

Ajánlott irodalom

Life on the edge: The coming of age of quantum biology, Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili, Broadway Books (2016) 368 pages, ISBN-13: 978-0307986825

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

There will be several occasions for the students to rewrite midterm tests.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Students will get e-learning material to cope to follow the course at home.




Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Hoffmann Gyula
  • Dr. Kvell Krisztián
  • Dr. Lukács András Szilárd
  • Dr. Miskei György Zsolt
  • Dr. Pál Szilárd
  • Dr. Sik Attila Gábor