First-year Students Welcomed at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pécs

3 October 2024

On 24th September, a ceremonial event was held at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pécs, to welcome the first-year pharmacy and biotechnology students. The event not only marked the beginning of the academic year but also the launch of a new tradition.

Students received comprehensive information from the Registrar’s Office regarding the study regulations, administrative tasks, and other essential details. The leadership of the faculty and representatives of the institutes were also introduced, giving students the opportunity to meet the professionals who will accompany them throughout their studies.

Each first-year student was given a personalised badge and a welcome card as a gift, fostering a sense of belonging right from the start. One of the most significant moments of the event was the presentation of the "tree of life," a new initiative located in the "Collaboratorystudent community space in Building K of the Rókus Street campus.

This tree is not only symbolises the community life of the faculty but also represents the students' academic journey. First-year students placed leaves bearing their names on the branches of the tree, which they will remove and take with them after graduation. The names of new students will replace them, symbolising the continuous evolution of the faculty's student community.

Such community experiences and emerging traditions ensure that university life is not only about studying but also about fostering a sense of belonging and shared experiences, which are of great importance at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Pécs.