“Five years of work are paying off: we are getting a degree”

The graduating students at the University of Pécs Medical School and Faculty of Pharmacy were inaugurated as pharmacists, dentists and biotechnologists. The event on 6 July was held in the Dr. Romhányi György Aula of the Medical School for students graduating from the Hungarian, English and German programmes. Many of the participants talked about their emotions, motivations and future goals.


Written by Hanga Kovács


“I have mixed emotions: happy and delighted that five years of work are paying off and that we are getting a degree. On the other hand, I am sad because I will miss the university atmosphere,” said Dóra Pocsai, who became a pharmacist this year.

She also pointed out that the most important thing for her was to build a cohesive community, where it is great to belong to. This was also one of her main arguments in favour of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Pécs when she was choosing a university.

“The friendly atmosphere and the small, cohesive community were the most typical characteristics of the faculty in my experience. You are not just a ‘Neptun code’ here, which is very important to me. The past few years have been both challenging and memorable in the best ways possible. Thanks to the university, I could participate in a lot of events that I will not forget anytime soon.”

Juliana Riberio from Brazil, who received a master’s degree in biotechnology and is the first in her family to study abroad, has a similar view of the opportunities offered by the university.

“I chose the University of Pécs Faculty of Pharmacy because it gave me the opportunity to develop my communication skills in a multicultural environment. At the faculty I made new acquaintances and friends during my time in Hungary,” said Juliana. She also revealed that by getting her degree, she has fulfilled her biggest dream: to help people. At the University of Pécs Faculty of Pharmacy, she could learn a lot of things that broadened her horizons, not only from a professional point of view, but also in other areas of life.

“I look back on my years here as an unforgettable experience. Even though I had to give up a lot and put in a lot of effort to succeed, I have grown tremendously as a person. The many new things I have learned, the new friends I have made and the unique events I have experienced are largely responsible for the way I see the world today.”

Saleh Souri, a freshly graduated pharmacist, who came to Pécs from Iran, believes that not only his knowledge but also his personality has developed during his time at the University of Pécs.

“I spent my best years in Pécs and had the opportunity to make new friends and have a second family. Not only the university but also the city made me more experienced and mature. I felt at home in Pécs because I started to live independently. I have had a tough couple of years, especially the past two, but I managed to survive and finish the journey I started.”

Saleh Souri’s ambition was to work in Germany because of the strong presence of the pharmaceutical industry there, but thanks to the university he changed his goals: he is applying for further training in a clinical pharmacy but is also interested in pursuing a career as a forensic pharmacist.


Dávid Verébi